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Material Conversion

What is material conversion?

Changing an existing part or design to switch from one material (such as metal, wood, glass, ceramic, or plastic) to another thermoplastic, material conversion helps fulfil various structural-, functional-, aesthetic-, physical-, or cost- attribute goals for a given part. With new polymer compounds and innovations being developed by raw material manufacturers, conversion can make parts not just more cost-effective, but often, lighter, stronger, or more reliable, durable, and aesthetic.

Material conversion involves a host of other processes such as material selection, part design, and tooling. Engineering Plastics offers material conversion services for part runs from as few as 1,000 parts.

Who is material conversion for?

Material conversion may offer several benefits if you wish to:

  • improve part design and allow for more complex part geometry

  • switch from metal / wood / glass / outdated plastics to modern polymers for lower weight, cost, noise, and other performance benefits

  • scale up to injection moulding production speed and accuracy, over fabrication or other processes

Contact us to discuss your requirements with any ongoing or upcoming manufacturing project. If you’re not sure about what process would best suit your needs, our manufacturing experts would be happy to help with a free assessment, generally within 1 business day.